Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time Warner - Supporting the War on Terror

This weeks issue of Time magazine has an interesting cover that will go unnoticed by many. The cover of Time has a caricature of the leader of Iran. If you can, run out and check out a copy of the cover. Ask yourself, "How would I feel if another country mocked our leadership?" In an area that erupts over Western countries mocking their religion, Time must have known that the people of Iran and the Middle East would find the magazine cover to be disrespectful.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fox Morning Show

I was watching Fox Morning News and noticed how sophisticated their editorializing is regarding Republican and Democratic candidates that are running for President. The routine goes like this.... In a seemingly harmless casual coffee shop type setting, the correspondents pretend to have a casual conversation about the candidates. For example, they might say, "Hey Barack Obama came out and discussed his use of drugs and alcohol in school." then one correspondent will say, "I kind of admire him for that." Then another correspondent says, "Hey I feel he did not say enough, lets roll the tape." Now all three will say, "Hey your right, Barack was irresponsible because he did not say enough against drug usage." They do this every time. They have a set up, then a convenient clip ready to show the candidate, and finally some editorializing. Very clever way of manipulating their viewers. Check it out for your self.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fair and Balanced???

Welcome to my latest blog: Media Watch. A large part of my book, The Quest for Human Decency was dedicated to the discussion of the impact of media on decency. I was quite critical of media bias found in news organizations such as Fox News. Our news and information is used to shape ideas and thoughts regarding a wide range of social issues.
For this reason, I created a blog to analyze the media for content and to ask readers for their help regarding observations of media bias that manipulates people's perceptions of issues including: Social Policy, Elections, and the Economy. All published accounts will be reviewed for relevance toward future editions of my books.